There have been studies done to compare care given by nurses after receiving report at the nursing station and care given when a bedside report is given. Most of this studies find that nurses are dissatisfied with the care they give especially after spending most of the beginning of their shift getting report at the desk where there are a lot of distractions and sometimes vital information is left out. The question to look at is for the patient as well as the nurse is the care given impacted by whether shift change report was given at the nursing station or done bedside? Shift report requires good communication skills that are evident in bedside report. Anderson and Mangino (2006) examined the patients’ perception on being
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Ragan, Ronald. Brandt, Julie. Tregnago, Megan. (2012) Joint commission survey results revealed a need for improvement at the floor level in nurse to patient communication. Caruso (2007), Sand-Jecklin and Sherman (2013), Wakefield, et al. (2013) articles showed that regardless of evidence, nurses are still resistant to adopt bedside report. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (2014) article states that the hospital consumer assessment of healthcare providers and systems (HCAHPS) 27 item survey that measures client perceptions of their hospitals experience shows that high scores signify higher satisfaction with communication. So in response the CNS asked nurse management to develop a change project that incorporates bedside report based on evidence based research. The reason for this was to improve patient satisfaction scores by improving patient safety and quality of care, improve nurse to nurse communication as well as nurse satisfaction scores. The QI was implemented in February of 2016. A month later a post implementation survey was distributed. The results showed that bedside report was not completely accepted. Gregory, Tan, Tilrico, Edwardson, and Gamm’s (2014) systematic review of literature on bedside report noted that “Nurses continue to not recognize the evidence supporting this practice and adopt bedside report into practice” (p.541). And as discussed by Reinbeck and Fitzsimons (2013) organizations need to focus on safety as well as …show more content…
Sand-Jecklin and Sherman (2014) article showed that one of the factors that contributed to sentinel events was miscommunication of information especially shift change handoff. Kearns (2015) and Vandenberg (2013) literature review also showed that patient safety is compromised severely if critical information is not passed on thus the need to implement a new way to handoff and also utilize a tool that would make sure critical information is passed on. Radtke (2013) article stated that lack of communication between nurses and clients has been verified through HCAHPS surveys and clients feel excluded from information and decisions related to their care. Cairns, Dudjak, Hoffman, and Lorenz (2013) article states that bedside report increases patient satisfaction scores, creates a trust between nurse and patient, reduces communication errors increasing patient safety and promotes accountability with teamwork and respect among the nurses. Cairns, et al. (2013), Maxson, Derby, Wrobleski, and Foss (2012), McMurray, Chaboyer, Wallis, Johnson, and Gehrke (2011), Radtke (2013) articles report that bedside can contribute to an increase in patient satisfaction as well as HCAHPS communication