
Brown V Board Of 1954

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Brown V. Board of Education (Dec, 9 1952 - May, 17 1954) This cases was an exponential leap in the civil rights movements. This landmark case took away the segregation in public education between Black people and White students. This case was filed against Topeka, Kansas school board. Plaintiff Oliver Brown parent of one of the children (Lynda Brown) was denied entry into the school. Brown brought this up because Brown claimed her rights were violated (The 14th Amendment) because the white school and the school she currently attended were not equal. And no matter what was implied the schools would never be equal. The court dismissed this statement saying the schools were equal in Topeka. Saying the buildings were almost the same and teachers …show more content…

While also upsetting white people across the nation. The court ruled it unconstitutional because white schools were much better receiving better, newer supplies and curriculum. The black students who were just as intelligent if not more were not given the same treatment at all. Even though many people augured that their school was equal. It was clear that they were underfunded, and weren't given near the same resources. Even though this may have been a huge win, the Supreme Csourt did not put in any steps toward making this new integration law into place. The court ruling it unconstitutional caused outrages among many schools. Multiple schools across the nation Defied the integration of black into their schools sometimes ending in violent protests. Soon following in 1955 Rosa Parks defied city ordinates on the segregation of blacks and whites on the city bus. She protested the law by sitting in a “whites only” section of the bus where she was then arrested and fined for defying city ordinates. When the case was brought to Supreme Court, the segregation of coloured people on city buses was found unconstitutional. And the Brown V the Board of Education was used as leverage in the cases …show more content…

They decided to take a more direct approach. Instead of making integration by chance they decided to make it a priority to integrate. The freedom of choices program was implemented into Virginia, giving every student regardless of colour the right to choose what school they attended. In turn of this whole landmark case African Americans and all people of color finally had some leverage and started working towards more and more rights. Such as public transportation being able to sit in the same isle as a white person. To even simple rights such as being able to use the same bathroom as white people. These stepping stones have led to modern day America in many ways. These cases began to show people African Americans are human just as they are. Like in modern day America there is no segregation laws what so ever. As long as you are an American citizen you share the same rights as anyone no matter the gender or colour of their skin. Sure there was implications from these court cases due to xenophobia. But theses issues eventually died off. Modern day America is still no where close to being perfect but compared to the years of these court dates I would say America has had great progress to become one of the most bio diverse countries in the whole

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