
Business Case Study: The Nowra High School Canteen

904 Words4 Pages

Year 11 preliminary Business Studies: assessment task 3
Contents page:
Business name and legal structure: page: 2
Vision, mission, goals: page: 3
Influences on the business: page: 4
Situational analysis: page: 5
Market research: page:
Operations: page:
Marketing: page:
Finance: page:
Human Resources: page:
Recommendations: page:

Business name:
The Nowra High School …show more content…

Although the canteen is located towards the centre of the school some customers may find the walk to the canteen is “too far”. However, this should not impact the canteen too much.

Situational analysis
Swot analysis:
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
• The Nowra high school canteen has a large range of products for sale.
• The employees and volunteers that work there are well mannered and polite.
• Has a social media page so customers with social media may keep up to date with changes and additions to the canteen.
• It is on school grounds therefore it is easily accessed. • Some prices may be too high.
• Lack in advertisement of pricing and products outside the canteen.
• Not always enough helpers.
• Doesn’t keep records of sales
• Service is sometimes inconsistent. • Using an Eftpos machine may bring more customers daily, as some may only have card and no cash.
• Could benefit from more volunteers.
• Could benefit from student volunteers as they are already on school grounds.
• Training and development
• Could benefit from the use of financial statements. The threats to the Nowra high school canteen include:
• Coles
• Woolworths
• Leaf
• Other food places near the

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