
California And Hawaii Comparison

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Beaches, relaxation, paradise and tourist attractions are four words that automatically come to mind when I think of California and Hawaii. With both states being very desirable vacation destinations, it is easy for people to forget the other unique and distinct characteristics that define these states, such as their government and economy. In conclusion, along with their unique government system, both states are also thriving in the economy and are predicted to continue growing in 2017-2018. Just like the United States federal government, California has a similar government system that is divided into three branches, which are the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judiciary branch. The head of the executive branch would be …show more content…

It initially began when James W. Marshall found gold in Coloma, California leading 300,000 people from all over the country and the world to head to California. This significantly improved the American economy and lead California to automatically be admitted as a state, as mentioned in the Compromise of 1850. However, in modern day California, they are known for many things and these are the things that define what California is today. California is home to the entertainment industry, such as Hollywood, TV shows, movies, and music. It is also home of Silicon Valley, the technology industry, which includes, but is not limited to Apple, Google and Facebook. For families and young children, California also has a handful of amusement parks, such as Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, Universal Studios, Sea World and Magic Mountain. They are also known for their spectacular beaches, which are in Santa Monica, Malibu, Los Angeles, Laguna Beach and more. Thanks to their fantastic weather all year long, visiting these beaches would not be a problem at any point in the …show more content…

In 2016, the GDP of Hawaii was $83.9 billion, making it the 38th in the United States. There is no main industry in Hawaii, although tourism does play a huge factor, along with defense, raw sugar and molasses and fresh and processed pineapple. Tourism in Hawaii is the largest single contributor to Hawaii’s GDP, representing about 21% of its entire economy. It is estimated that approximately 8.6 million visitors traveled to Hawaii in 2015 and spent over $15 billion. Defense is another large part of Hawaii’s economy because many Army, Navy, Marine, Coast Guard and Air Force bases are located in Hawaii. Agriculture is another large aspect of Hawaii’s economy because of its tropical weather. Hawaii is second in the United States for sugar cane production and first for pineapple productions. Other crops include flowers, coffee and macadamia nuts. Another strong industry in Hawaii includes manufacturing and it is concentrated on the Oahu Island. Products produced in Hawaii include apparel and cotton-based products along with processed food items, including refine sugar and pineapple. The service industry is also important in Hawaii, which include hotels, private healthcare, finance and real

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