
Career Analysis Papers

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Personal Career Analysis:
A Brief Description of Financial Analyst

Being a financial analyst has been a goal of mine since my freshman year of high school.
I enjoy analyzing and researching the aspects of how and why money is spent or how problems are caused and solved. My Myers Briggs Assessment of ISTP fits this job because an attribute of this personality type is an excellent ability to reason and good problem solving skills (istps.com). Both of these traits would be good in determining and analyzing different financial issues. The responsibilities of a financial analyst go beyond just researching financial trends. They are also expected to recommend investments to clients and employers, study economic and business trends, meet with …show more content…

In 2012 there were 253,000 people employed as financial analysts, and the amount of new financial analyst position being held in 2022 is projected to be 39,300. These positions will mainly be held in the finance and insurance industries, but other industries that require financial analysts include credit intermediation, professional, scientific, and technical services and management companies and enterprises (bls.gov). Most financial analysts live in large finance centered cities such as New York. Many basic skills that are required for most jobs are required for financial analyst, but some have higher importance to a financial analyst. Being able to think logically is necessary for financial analyst to make good financial recommendations to clients. Also a financial analyst that can deliver correct predictions and useful recommendations dependably will find it easy to move into a better position, allowing for a lot of room to advance (careers.statesuniversity.com). To become a financial analyst you are required to have a bachelor’s degree minimum, however master’s degrees are becoming increasingly prevalent in the industry. Typically this position requires no on-the-job training, but certain companies may have brief training (careers.statesuniversity.com). The median pay for financial analyst in 2012 was $76,950, while the lowest 10% made less …show more content…

I will be taking many finance courses because this will help me gain a deeper understanding of the side of business that I will be studying throughout my career. I will also take a speech course next semester that will help me with my ability to present my recommendations at business meetings and to my clients. Reading, Writing, and Inquiry has helped with my writing skills, and I will take a business writing and communications course during my four years at Kelley. This paper as well as many other business papers I will be required to write has helped me to research and analyzer different options on careers as well as analyzing different businesses. All these courses and many more that I will take will help me in developing the skills I need to become a good and well-rounded financial

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