Career Field Report

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Transmittal Letter

TO: Tonja Cox
FR: Shawn P. Clark
DA: February 22, 2018
RE: Career Field Report
Dear Mrs. Cox,
Per your direction, I am enclosing my Communications in Career field report. This document will include information on how professionals in Business Administration communicate with other employees, customers, and with others. It will discuss how communication has changed in this field as well as how the audience impacts the communication.
Based on my findings, I can concur that communication plays a huge role in Business Administration. Whether it be oral communication, written communication, verbal communication or non- verbal communication it all plays a significant role in Business. The most important responsibility of Business …show more content…

I have discussed the importance of communication as well as the methods for communication in this field. To describe these things, I have used the resources of Baker College’s online databases to convey the effects that proper communication has in Business Management. This report will contain a concise record of information that will be attributed to how communication is developed as well as who does the communicating. It has evolved over time in business and is still meeting the needs of employees as well as …show more content…

These six questions are important to look over to fully understand the purpose behind why communication is key in the field of Administrative