Business: Importance Of Communication Within Sopra Steria

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Effective Communication in Business- Unit 401

January 2016

TASK 1 1

TASK 2 7

TASK 3 12

References: 15


This paper will cover research into the importance of communication and its effectiveness within Sopra Steria. The communication cycle will be a guide to aid my examples through the workplace.
Communication: the form of transferring information either digital or analogue between one body (the sender) and another (the receiver). Johnson says: communication can be categorised into several different mediums for commination. These are as followed: Non-Verbal, verbal and written.
This first segment will attempt to convey the communication cycle model, and what it demonstrates
Fig 1: The Communication Cycle …show more content…

A message is passed to the receiver, they then must decode the message into a form that they can understand, in the instance of verbal communication this is sound waved converted into electrical signals that the brain can interpret as speech. Once the message is taken in by the receiver they then create an appropriate response that signifies that it has been taken in. In a work environment keeping to this standard of formulating a response is a key principle for the successful communication.

Feedback is important and vial to the process as it gives indication to the sender that their message has been received. When there is no feedback can mean that there is an issue with the method used for commination or that the message might not have been understood correctly. In the diagram it also lists some of the main places that a communication cycle is used, and all are channels that are used within a work environment.
According to Janice Light (1988), communication allows people to express their needs and wants, allowing them to achieve their goals and regulate the behaviour of another person. This way, people can establish and maintain a relationship with others, in their personal, business and social …show more content…

The response is largely dependent on the way that the information is presented. Students at school for example, keep learning and memorising stuff for different lessens to prepare for exams. They are often taught through classes, text books and lectures, this is an extremely dull and time consuming method. Statistics shows that on average only twenty present of information presented to us in a class room is taken in this can be backed up by the “Cone of learning” as only one out of twenty bits of information are