Carnegie Mellon University Personal Statement

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When I was little, every electronic I touched would break. Whether I was lured in by the promise of free wallpapers on the Internet or just playing a little too hard with the Playstation 2, it would all topple by my tiny hands. Yet, as I learned HTML with my friends in middle school to make a Pokémon fansite, as I shambled apart the family Wii to fix the disc drive, and as I took my first dual credit class in Visual Basic at Otterbein University, I fell head over heels for computers and the future they held for me in their convoluted wires, a future I continue to grasp at today. Time ticks on, and a new future is in store for me: an uncertain one by the name of “college.” I wanted a place where I could not only pursue my newfound passions but also add my own two cents to a diverse community. It was then that I decided to poke around on the Internet and talk to my teachers, thus discovering an enticing name: Carnegie Mellon University. …show more content…

Not only does the school provide rich experiences for its students through its extensive opportunities for undergraduate research and its very own Computer Club, but it also keeps its finger on the pulse of what’s up-and-coming in the growing world of technology. A prime example of that starts with the fact that there are not enough women in computing to support the needs of businesses nowadays. CMU strikes this problem at its source by providing various programs that introduce young girls to computing—young girls who would otherwise have no access to it. Now, CMU can boast an impressive 48% of women entering the School of Computer Science this year, as seen with Women@SCS. For someone who spends her free weekends trying to convince her neighbor’s young daughter that math is fun, it’s incredibly

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