
Catholic School Experience Paper

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A Sacred Duty: Teaching the Mass as a Fundamental Part of the Catholic School Experience Catholic Education provides students with the ability to continue their spiritual journey in an explicit fashion with the Catholic community they are a part. I know personally Catholic Education provides Catholics with the moralistic foundations to enter the world and perform in a Christ-like fashion. One of the fundamental aspects of this education is the sacramental training students receive. Coupled with that sacramental training is teaching about the Mass and more importantly attending Mass. Some educators may take for granted that every student has attended Mass and knows what to do. More importantly, some educators may take for granted that every student understands and respects the sacrosanctity of the event. When I was in Junior High, I attended a Catholic School that had a high non-Catholic population. When we attended mass, there were students who were unsure of what was required of them. This unsureness led to some students taking part in the Eucharist who were neither prepared nor respectful of the sacramental nature of this act. I believe that sacramental education and Mass preparation are fundamental in …show more content…

Christ is thus really and mysteriously made present” (para. 1357) and further “The mode of Christ's presence… raises the Eucharist above all the sacraments” (para. 1374). If Eucharist is raised above all other sacraments, as it is the real presence of God, the essential element of sacrament, and it is the essential part of the Church, again another prime example of sacrament, then it follows the Eucharist and the Mass are the quintessence of Catholicism. It would follow then that it is quintessential that its rites and meanings be explored again and again in a Catholic

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