Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Organizational Structure

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Introduction Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, a partner in the Fletcher Allen Health Care network, is a medical center located in Plattsburgh, NY that offers a variety of specialty services in addition to many medical services a general hospital might offer. CVPH is the largest hospital in the North County and is committed to its foundational values of providing quality, low cost medical treatment that can rarely be found in such a rural setting. A key component of CVPH’s organization is its focus on outcome driven care in order to maintain a safe environment and provide current and effective medical care to the North Country. They are able to build upon their strengths and mend their flaws by comparing their outcomes against many medical centers across the United States. In their vision statement they explain that “CVPH, through collaboration and integration, provides high quality outcomes; exceptional patient, employee and provider experiences; and improves the health and well-being of those we serve” (CVPH, 2015c). …show more content…

261). CVPH’s organizational structure is clearly defined where a hierarchy is discernible and members have explicit roles and ranks. Each member of the hierarchy is responsible and held accountable for their actions and the authority they are given. At CVPH, administration is headed by President and CEO Stephens Mundy. He oversees the entire leadership team, including the senior management (vice presidents) in charge of finance, man resources, medical affairs, patient services as well as associate vice presidents managing information services and support, quality care management and facilities management (CVPH, 2015b). Bellow these individuals are individual departments and nursing units who each have their own director or