What Are The External And Internal Forces That Drive Organizational Change In Your Field Or Industry?

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Describe your organization, include the organization's mission, and identify the various stakeholders.
Grinnell Regional Medical Center (GRMC) is structured on a hierarchical basis that is comprised of the nurse or clinic manager who oversees the day to day work, the department heads who are responsible for the communications between the department and the executive leadership team and ensuring that the goals of the department are achieved, the vice president who answers directly to the CEO, the CEO who answers directly to the board. The organization is subdivided into acute care and outpatient services. Each of these service areas have been further divided into different departments such as emergency, surgery, radiology, and intensive care in the acute care subsection and urgent care, internal …show more content…

Explain the origin or reason for these internal or external driving forces. Explain how these forces directly affect the viability of your organization.
The changes occurring in an organization must have a real cause as the change does not just happen. Sources or the drivers of change in an organization are the reasons that explain why the change is always continuous. To be able to analyze this, we have to split these forces into two types, internal and external.
Internal forces: these are sources of change that are found within the organization. This means that they can be easily modified or controlled, depending on the needs of the organization. Internal forces include the employees, structure of the organization, and the processes that tasks are completed in the organization.
Human resources: this includes personnel/workforce who are obligated to deliver different services, for example, the overall managers and employees are main sources of change as they are the ones who ultimately make the decisions and take the initiative to start the change within an