CHAPTER 3 Analysis
Cherrelle Lawson
Bethune-Cookman University
Daytona Beach, Florida
Spring, 2018
Chapter 3 Analysis
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this paper is to analyze chapter three to understand the cultural dimensions and importance for our leaders. In today's society, how diversity and culture relate to leaders, we are finding ourselves in a unique situation to better to understand the workplace environment. In this paper, I will discuss the traits involved in leadership like intelligence, confidence, and determination that are integral to become an effective leader. Culture can lead to multiple different theories, and I believe the leadership styles involving multicultural leadership have the most influential effect
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Social media and the internet has connected people and societies from around the world. Exposures to different music, television shows, and online platforms are just a few types of mediums that influence people from around the world. South Korean pop star, Park Jae Sang became an international pheromone, via social media, with his song Gangnam style with fans in the United States, Latin America, and Europe. His success, particularly in the West would not have been entirely easy twenty years …show more content…
Task-motivated leaders are concerned primarily with reaching a goal, whereas relationship motivated leaders are concerned with developing close interpersonal relationships”. Contingency Theory helps the leader’s styles to create feelings such as loyalty, trust, and confidence with a group atmosphere. The contingency theory uses leader's personality and the situation which can become an effective leader with task-motivated and relationship motivated. Contingency Theory leadership, influencing the process of leaders to achieve goals objectives through changes. An effective leader could utilize these techniques to promote opportunities for success. Contingency Theory can lead to multiple different theories; I believe the leadership styles involving transformative leadership have the most influential effect on personal culture.
Working in the financial industry for ten years. I have devoted much of my time to building long-term relationships with coworkers and customers. Learning how to establish trust with clients through a detailed customer financial review in order to understand customers' needs so, I can provide them with options that meet their long terms goals to succeed financially. As a leader, Contingency Theory has provided me the ability to lead is the culmination of a set of skills and determination that are integral to become