Charismatic Leadership: Transactional Leadership, And Transformational Development

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Previously the leaders were more considered as transactional leaders. Transactional leader means that the leaders who use rewards or exchanges to motivate the employees for achieving the set goals (Robbins, Coulter, & Vohra, 2010). According to Kuhnert (1994) Transactional leadership differs from transformational leadership because the transactional leader does not focuses on the individuals concerns or their personal grooming but exchange things with their subordinates to accomplish the assigned goals as cited in (Northouse, 2003). There are two transactional leadership factors such as Contingent Reward and Management by Exception.
Contingent Reward
Contingent reward means to reward the subordinates for achieving …show more content…

M Bass and B. J. Avolio, 1990a, Research in organizational Change and Development, 4, 231-272 as cited in Leadership Theory and Practice by P. G. Northhouse 2003.
Charismatic leadership was published by House in 1997. The most popular definition of charisma was given by Weber (1947). He considered charisma as a special personality characteristic which gives extra power to person so that the person is treated as leader. Sometimes it seems similar to transformational leadership (Weber, 1947). Charismatic Leaders are self confident, have strong values, need of power and having an influencing personality. They articulate a clear vision to the followers and develop zeal and zest among the followers for achieving the goals. A charismatic leader is a role model for the followers and wants the followers to adopt those behaviors. Moreover the followers admire and believe their leader. They obey the charismatic leader without any question and willingness (Yukl, …show more content…

Combination of psychological, physiological and environment conditions which satisfies a person from the job is job satisfaction (Hoppock, 1935). Initial definitions consider job satisfaction as constructive or destructive attitude which results due to specific work areas, such as job factors and individual traits (Blum & Naylor, 1968).
According to Hammer and Organ (1978), satisfaction is “a person’s attitude toward an object….that represents a complex assemblage of cognitions (beliefs or knowledge), emotions (feelings, sentiments or evaluations), and behavioral tendencies” (Hammer& Organ, 1978, p. 216).
Reed, Lahey and Downey, (1984) describe “satisfaction in terms of subjective, personal experience, evaluative in time, and involving effect or feeling on the part of the individual.” (Reed.Lahey & Downey, 1984, p. 68). Job satisfaction is a positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics (Robbins,Coulter& Vohra, 2010).