Chew On Me Reflection

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After, I read Chew on this I never wanted to eat fast food again because it seemed detrimental to my health. When I did this project I ate healthier. During the 5 days, I ingested less soda and avoided all sweets. From time to time, I had a few unhealthy items such as pizza and macaroni and cheese, but I tried to be very active and attempted to not eat what the book had warned us about. I achieved this.

The novel did change my eating habits because now I am very cognizant of what I eat and what kinds of objects I put into my body. I cut down on sweets and fatty things such as chips. I’ve consumed more vegetables/fruits and I don’t go to fast food restaurants very often anymore because I know how they can effect your body. Reading Chew on this has made a difference in my life. …show more content…

I have learned numerous things. I have learned about all different varieties of foods, healthy and unhealthy. We learned about the consequences of eating too much and exercising too little. But, the tremendous thing I have learned is all about fast food restaurants. I now know how they prepare the food and the science between each health problem. I learned that soda is one of the biggest contributors to obesity and that if you get too large you can have something called a gastric bypass which is where a doctor goes in and makes your stomach miniscule. Overall, I learned a ton from this