Chick-Fil-A Essay

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Every individual's goal in life is to accumulate wealth and live a life of fortitude and happiness. Everyone has their own path to success, some individuals may accumulate wealth by working a nine to five shift, becoming an entrepreneur, or most commonly opening a successful business. It all depends on the resources that the individual has to his availability. In this case we’re going to assume we have the resources to open an international franchise. Choosing a specific international franchise can be difficult since there are many successful restaurants throughout the world. If I had the resources to open an international franchise, I would definitely pick Chick-Fil-A. I would choose Chick-Fil-A over any other franchise due to the fact that they offer a variety of healthy options for its consumers. Chick-Fil-A was first founded in nineteen sixty-seven …show more content…

Every individual’s goal when they open a business is to accumulate wealth and Chick-Fil-A has proven to be a successful franchise. Franchising helps individuals get the chance to not only experience running a business but also benefit financially. According to CNN, the average Chick-Fil-A restaurant generates over four million dollars annually. That amount of money can certainly change peoples lives and help them become financially free. As a consumer I like to consume quality food because I truly believe that your body is a reflection of what you put into it. Nowadays fast food franchises offer poor nutritional value meals for its consumers which may lead to health problems in the long term. As a customer of Chick-Fil-A I enjoy buying myself a healthy meal because I know I’m getting my money's worth and getting the best quality possible. When customers realize they are getting quality food, it creates a stronger bond between the customer and the business which is incredibly important to reach

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