Child Abuse: The Boys Life And Good Will Hunting

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Child Abuse and the Effects

Child Help defines child abuse as, “Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child. There are many forms of child maltreatment, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation and emotional abuse” (“What”). As a child I always felt like there was something off about my family life, but as a child they do not really speak up about it. It was something I felt like I necessarily had a voice to speak about, and it had become a normal to me. I always found it odd because I was treated differently at home than other kids. At the age of nine, I realized that I was treated aggressively different …show more content…

Most of the time because the kid that is being abused does not realize their situation is wrong until a later age. This is because their mind has not fully developed yet therefore not really grasping the concept of their reality. Most of the time these children experience this horrible childhood, will become key to thinking that the reason for their abuser behavior is their fault. This sets the child up for a destructive path. Child abuse has even become a topic that shows in Hollywood films and movies most notable would be movies like; The Boys Life and Good Will Hunting. These films do a good job of displaying the mental aspect of how this abuse effects a child. It goes to show that just because they do not see marks and bruises on the outside of child does not mean the kid is not being exposed to abuse at home. Bruises go away but the memory and the mental damage stays and is left with a permanent scar along in their head and the psychological aspect of how they deal with everyday life. I think this is an important topic for films or even books, to shed light on the signs of a kid that is going through situation like this. At most times victims are silent and do not tell about their problems at home, that is why people should be educated so they can take notice and stop situation from happening or continuing to …show more content…

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “An estimated 702,000 children were confirmed by child protective services as being victims of abuse and neglect in 2014” (“Child Abuse”). If that is not a good enough amount to grasp someone attention about the realness of the problem. CDC goes on to mention that, “At least one in four children have experienced child neglect or abuse (including physical, emotional, and sexual) at some point in their lives, and one in seven children experienced abuse or neglect in the last year.” I feel so upset that people fail to overlook situations like this, is because I grew in a family situation like this also. So, I know hand on hand how people can just overlook the signs of abuse and not stop the act from happening. As a victim of my own loved one I do not want to see kids having to live the life I had to growing up that why I feel that its time someone stands up for those kids that do not know how to stand up for their selves or feel they do not have a voice of reason. We have to get up and stand for this one way or another, another kid does not need to become another subject to negligence. I was that kid that grew up wondering why I had it different from other kid. I also struggled and continue to struggle with who I am because of the environment I was placed under so I realize the

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