Child Development: Economist's View By James Choi

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Choi, James (2013). Economist’s View. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2018, from This article by James Choi shows why poverty was seen as a social good, and why was there little effort to permanently reduce this problem. He wrote about poverty itself and why was it needed economic development. Choi wrote that poor people were needed to work to achieve that economical development. He stated that cause of this there was very little effort to even try to reduce the rate of poverty. James Choi also said that a world without poverty would be completely unimaginable. It was hard to imagine this kind of world because nobody else really wanted to work in the factories and staff the army. A significantly helpful article for the paper. It was quite interesting to read this article, because it provided various facts …show more content…

L., & Black, M. M. (2008). The Effect of Poverty on Child Development and Educational Outcomes. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences, 1136243-256. Doi:10.1196/annals.1425.023 Patrice Engle states that poverty affects everyone in various ways. However, it affects children the most. It is said that this problem affects child’s development from a very young age. Engle also stated, that children raised in low-income families have the most problems, when talking about education. Furthermore, it is said that when these risks occur they can have long lasting consequences. That is, families should look for a way to avoid this risk. This article is also significantly useful. It will be beneficial using it to discuss the question, how poverty affects the society. The author does a great job providing examples what will happen to children from poor families. The article has valuable information about how poverty can affect the society and how will it affect children and their education. Because of that it will be significantly useful to use it in the