Child Labour Persuasive Essay

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Do you eat chocolate? If you are eating that delicious goodness, you are making children suffer. The poor children of third world countries around the world are being slaved away and are worked to the bone. Just think of the children who are suffering just because you want to eat some sugary chocolate. Child Labor can be defined as any type of work that can deprive children from their childhood and rob their potential and dignity. Approximately 168 million children are labouring away right now across the world. Now is the time to act. We must help these children in every way possible; we could help these children by speaking out and to raise awareness about the terrible things that are happening all over the world.

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Approximately 70% of child labor is in the agricultural setting, while 30% is in the mining section (Awuku, Mabel D., and Ampomah Patience NP). All over the world, children are being taken advantage of and are being used to labor away for the sick people who are endorsing child labor. There are about 168 million children that are currently being worked till they drop dead. Across the world, the Asian and Pacific region is home to the most child slaves at about 78 million, which is about 9.3% out of all of child labor. Second to that is the sub-Saharan Africa with 59 million (21%). Then, there is Latin America and the Caribbean with 13 million (8.8%) and then there is about 9.8 million children engaged in child labor throughout the Middle East and North Africa (Al Qassim, Hanif H. NP). Child labor is commonly found in third world countries in which people can not afford to live a healthy life but are forced into labor/slavery or they make their own children work for money. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the scale, there are the upper class countries like Denmark and Norway. Children are able to live happier lives due to the fact they have money and a better life. Child labor is all around us in this world that we live …show more content…

This was not the most shocking instance of exploitation. It is nonetheless unacceptable that one of the richest companies in the history of companies, had not conducted more effective due diligence of its supply chain. (The Blood and Sweat...NP).
Apple now owns more than 600 of these factories in Asia, which can cause a great amount of misfortune for the underage people who are currently in child labor. Nike, a world known brand for clothing, shoes and much more is also a company with a dark side. Do not let its facade be confusing; Nike has a dark past. It has taken Nike almost 15 years to clean its stain of how the company was using sweatshops around the world. (The Blood and Sweat …