
Child Obesity Argumentative Essay

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Child Obesity In the Varness et al article I feel the main argument was in today’s society we are seeing more and more children that are considered morbidly obese. Now that the number of obese children is on a dramatic incline we have to start looking at when does it move from a weight problem to neglect. I believe that while obesity in children is a big deal it is going to be a hard one to prove, even the article states that while there are a few cases that have resulted in removal of the child from its home, it’s not the predominate resolution for the problem. We have to prove that there are comorbid conditions present and that they will be unresolvable if they are left unattended, and personally I think that is where the problem is going …show more content…

These days society has made it easy to be unhealthy, it is cheaper and easier to buy a cheeseburger and French fries than go to the store and buy something to cook. Parents and children are more than willing to park themselves in front of the television or X-box instead of doing something active. Varness stated that these interventions do have a fairy high success rate of at least getting the child’s weight down to a bit more manageable level. If we can retrain people on how to live even a little bit of a healthier lifestyle we are going to see major improvements in societies overall health. Another benefit of re-teaching people on how to eat is that it is more likely to be a more permanent solution than the intrusive surgeries. If we take a look at the number of people that have had weight loss surgeries we will see that there has been major complications and a majority of the time they gain most of the weight back after a few years. I just cannot get on board with the idea that we should unnecessarily open up a child and put them at unneeded risk when there are safer alternatives. If we can get parents and children out there being more active and making better food choices we are going to see a decline in our nation’s obesity

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