Child Obesity Persuasive Essay

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The human body requires the intake of food to function properly. Food provides the calories the body needs during everyday activities, and exercise. Eating too much of the wrong foods, with little to no exercise are causing the problem of obesity in children and teens. One-sixth of US children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 are obese and about the same proportion are overweight (Gilman. par.1). According to the Centers for Disease Control, being Obese is defined as having excess body fat. Overweight is defined as having excess body weight of a particular height regarding fat, muscle, bone, water, or a combination of these factors (Child Obesity Facts par.1). A child is determined overweight or obese when total body weight is more than twenty-five …show more content…

These advertisements can vary from pre-packaged foods, to fast food restaurants. For example, McDonalds advertises on 13 different websites that are targeted towards children and teenagers. Unhealthy food is more readily available than it has been in the past, with nearly an unlimited supply of soda, chips, fast food, and candy almost everywhere someone would go. Food is available 24 hours a day in places that were once unrelated to eating, for example, gas stations and drug stores. Calorie filled food and drinks are extremely available to children, and one of the top offenders is …show more content…

“Childhood Obesity Facts” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, retrieved from
Gilman, MW, BlockJP. Children With Obesity How are They Different?. Jama Pediatr. 2015; 169 (7): 626-628. Doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.0444
Lumeng JC. Infant Eating Behaviors and Rick For Overweight. Jama. 2016; 316 (19): 2036 - 2037. doi.1001/jama.2016.16899
Thompson AE. Childhood Obesity. Jama. 2015; 314 (8): 805.