Christianity Vs Islam Research Paper

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Christianity and Islam are two of the largest religions in the world. They both have their own religious and cultural beliefs. They are monotheistic which means that

they only believe in one God. In Islam, their God is Allah, and in Christianity its God,

The Holy Spirit. Christianity is the religion based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth,

or it’s beliefs and practices. Islam is the religion of Muslims, a monotheistic faith as

revealed through Mohammed as the Prophet Allah.

Christianity and Islam are two different religions that have many different beliefs.

The two religions have many similarities and differences between them.

Christian’s place of worship is the church, chapel, cathedral, basilica, and home bible …show more content…

A clergy is the body of all ordained for religious duties, especially in the Christian Church. Being a priest is to be an ordained minister of the catholic, orthodox, or Anglican Church and have the authority to perform certain rites

and administer certain sacraments. A bishop is a senior member of the Christian clergy,

typically in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders. A minister is a

member of the clergy, especially in protestant churches. People that are members of a

religious community and live under vows of poverty and obedience are called monks and

nuns. The teachings of traditional Christianity are that Jesus is the Son of God, the second

second person of the trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, crucifixon

and resurrection. Some Christian customs are the communion which is meant to

remember Jesus. The bread symbolizes Christ’s body and the juice symbols the blood.

The Christians view of marriage is that when an man and a woman get married

they commit themselves to each other to spend their lives in a new …show more content…


Islam the role of women is to be a sub servant to the husband and provide for his needs

and follow only his rule and the teachings of Allah. The role of men is to provide for his

family and to attend Jummah every Friday. Allah allowed men to marry up to four wives.

Men feel as if they need more one wife because they feel as if they will not be just with

only one wife. Divorce is allowed in Islam but it is not encouraged Mohammad stated

that divorce does not please Allah.

These two religions believe in the afterlife. Christians believe that they will be

with the Lord in Heaven in resurrected bodies. Catholics believe in the intermediate state

called purgatory. The Muslims believe that it is expected to be an ideal life of paradise

for faithful Muslims or hell for those who aren’t. Muslims believe that in paradise there are gardens and trees and food where all of the desires of faithful Muslims are met.

Christians believe that Heaven is a place where God dwells it is the eventual and eternal

home of the Christians who are saved by God’s grace. Judgement day for Christians is

considered to the day of resurrection when God will judge all people. The