Cinematic Techniques Used In Tim Burton's Dark Films

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Tim Burton is an American film director, producer, artist, writer and animator that is known for making dark and gothic fictional film. Some of Burton’s movies are: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish and Alice In Wonderland. Tim Burton is known for using many cinematic techniques, but his use of music, lighting and camera angles help him create the dark films he is know.
One cinematic technique that Burton expertly uses to create his films is music. Burton uses music to help him create a mood in a scene. He does this by different kinds of music to create the appropriate mood. He plays music with a fast beat to create suspense, or he will play slow music to create a sad or scary mood. Burton uses music in both of the films Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissorhands. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fast pace music was playing to create a suspenseful mood while augustus was getting sucked up with the chocolate. And in Edward Scissorhands slow pace music was playing while Peg was in the mansion, which created a scary mood. This is how Burton’s use of music helps him create a his dark films. …show more content…

In Edward Scissorhands Edwards dark outfit and dark hair help to create his scary persona, and in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the dim lighting inside of Charlie's house make it seems like a sad place to live. Even when Burton does uses bright colors there is still a dark tone to the shot. You can see this in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the scene in Veruca Salt’s house. These are ways in which Tim Burton uses lighting to create his dark