Upon evaluation results, the CSE recommended Resource Room (5:1) and Speech/Language Therapy small group (5:1) for Jackson’s 1st grade special education programs. His program modifications and accommodations included fidgeting and reasonable movement, directions repeated, preferential seating arrangements, refocusing and redirection, and check for understanding. Jackson continued at Northridge Primary School, in 2nd Grade resource room was replaced with Integrated Co-Teaching Services in the classroom. Also, Jackson continued to receives small group Speech/Language Therapy and program modifications/accommodations remained the same.
Jackson began Burr Intermediate School in the 3rd Grade. He continued to receive integrated co-teaching services daily. The CSE recommended
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The class was working on skim reading for answers. Jackson’s behavior was observed with regards to two broad dimensions: On task behavior (e.g. raising his hand, listening attentively to the teacher, reading, contributing to the lesson, etc) as well as his off task behavior including off task verbalizations, motor behaviors (e.g. getting out of his seating, tapping on his desk) and passive behavior (e.g. head down on desk, looking around the room, etc). Data was taken on these dimensions every 30 seconds. In addition, a different student in the classroom was chosen at random every 2 ½ minutes and coded along the same behavioral criteria. This was done to as a way to compare Jackson’s behavior to that of the other students in the classroom. Overall, Jackson was observed to be on task and engaged in the lesson a little less than the rest of the class (91.84 % engagement vs. 100 % engagement of the other students). Furthermore, John was also observed to be off task more than his classmates (8.6 % off task vs. 0 % off task), especially when there was full class