Coca Cola Ethos Pathos Logos

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In 2014, Coca-Cola released and ad that best exemplifies an advertisement that hits Ethos, Pathos, and Logos all together in a perfect harmony. The advertisement begins with the song America the Beautiful being sung, as the commercial goes on, the viewer is introduced to different languages singing the song, and different cultures, which helps define the age old term of the United States being a melting pot. Another thing that is more subtle is that most of the people, have a coke or the logo somewhere in the shot with them, which helps show people that this is a Coca-Cola commercial. The commercial ends with two small girls running happily, and the Cola jingle being played as a red graphic of their logo is shown. A hashtag shows up next to it, indicating that people should discuss the commercial on social media. Coca-Cola Company has been a part of the United States history since 1885, when the soft drink was first produced. Many citizens of the U.S identify Coke with the United States because of this, but there has been somewhat of a disinclusion with other ethnicities in Coca-Cola advertising. In fact, in 2004, …show more content…

Even though it is mostly artsy, the logic behind it is that drinking coke means that you will become more patriotic in your country (The United States) and if you become more Patriotic, you will become a the closer you are to achieving your future of happiness. Logos is also achieved through how the commercial presents itself, the process of showing different americans doing what makes them happy makes the viewer happy as well. Pathos heavily influences the Logos of this advertisement, but that isnt a bad thing at all and in some ways, actually makes the commercial more successful in making the viewer find logic in it. Although the commercial can be taken in many ways, that is the main point of it, that if you drink coke, you will end up being

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