College Admissions Essay: My Freshman Year Of High School

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I walk into my high school for the first time as a freshman, holding the common (misguided) belief that, with regards to college, anything is possible. If you would’ve asked me freshman year of high school where I wanted to continue my studies, I would’ve answered University of California Berkeley. I believed if I earned good grades and participated in sports, clubs, and community service, the only other thing I needed was an acceptance letter. As I continued with my high school career, I may have changed my first choice college but I continued to work hard in school; taking the most challenging classes my school had to offer. Every decision I made was focused on furthering my educational career, I desired to leave so badly, and I truly believed I could.
When senior year came along, I learned about the NJ Stars program and that I qualified for that grant because of being in the top ten of my graduating class. I didn’t understand how amazing this opportunity was until I …show more content…

I decided to attend RV for two years in order to save money so I can maybe someday pay for the other two I require. Because I took honors and AP classes throughout high school, I know I can handle the Honors College at RVCC. I was persuaded into going to RVCC because of financial reasons, but applying to the Honors College is my choice. I believe I can take this loss and turn it into a gain. This program will allow me to excel in the classes that are filled with other prestigious eager students who are just as ready to achieve their goal as I am. Being apart of the Honors College also opens more doors to transfer into a more impressive college, like the ones who denied me this year. Having this program attached to my new and improved application will definitely help me more because it shows I was able to handle the honor classes through high school and