Not A Duty Mother Teresa once said, “If you do something out of duty it will deplete you, but if you do something out of love it will energize you.” Being a leader of a christian based program, Wyldlife, I many times remind myself it is not a duty to teach children about God and help them grow in their faith, it is an opportunity. I lead out of the love I have for kids. I lead out of the compassion and worry I have about their futures and the paths or ways they are choosing to live. The world has drastically transformed in many aspects including the lives of children. I have heard the life stories of multiple seventh and eighth graders whose stories can be very overwhelming and at times heartbreaking. With that being said, being a loving, …show more content…
I continue to grow in my faith and I continue to grow in my relationship with these kids. Teaching them about loving and caring for one another has taught me to love and care for my peers as well. Today we live in a society where it is almost normal to say what one wants to say even if one knows it will hurt another person in the process. Society has also made younger generations believe drugs and alcohol are “cool” or okay to do. This world can be hard to live in. If we all just project love and kindness, we can all make it through. I have cared for these kids, loved with these kids, and stood by these kids; furthermore, they can know that the future in not always as scary if you are kind to one another and have good morals. By being this example or role model for them, I have changed dramatically. It made me grow from being the child I was, into the young adult I am today. I have impacted the lives of people around me and I cannot help but feel like I have matured. I have showed my peers that love is an amazing thing. It will energized one’s life and make it more thrilling or exciting to live. I have truly realized that leading kids to God is not a duty. I lead for a love that I have for them and the satisfaction I feel when I know that I can help them with kindness, leadership and most importantly,