
College Admissions Essay: The Value Of Education

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I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I could remember. As a child, I would play school with my neighborhood friends. It was fun. It was exciting. It is thrilling to have someone understand what you are trying to show them. It became my passion. Children are our future, and need good teachers. Good teachers are those who care not only about their students’ academics, but also their development as individuals, as people.

For the past few years I have taught in a school district where the majority of my students have origins from another country. Either they have come directly from a foreign country or are the first born. Most students have a Latino background from places like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico. A smaller portion these foreign students come from Nigeria, Jamaica, and other countries.

I have seen my students flourish. I have seen my students struggle. I have seen parents who are really involved. I have seen parents who are too busy trying provide for their family and take a backseat to their child’s education. I have seen students who try really hard. I have seen students who could care less. I have seen students who just are not sure of themselves. …show more content…

These values should be taught and developed at home, but as an educator I know that I cannot count on that. Not all students have the blessing to have parents who are instilling these values. Some students have single parents. Other students have parents who have to work nonstop to pay the bills. Some students have to play the role of parent to younger siblings. Some students have been caught up in their parents’ messy relationships or choices. Whatever it may be, I have to show my students these values because I cannot guarantee they all come from a home that supports these values. I can only control what happens in my classroom

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