College Admissions Essay: What Free Dom Means

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Free-dom [free-duhm] n. 1. The state or quality of being free; a) being able to act, move, use, etc. without hindrance or restraint, confinement or repression. When I think of freedom, I think of everything I take for granted in my life as an American. From our ability to voice our own opinion without the fear of being punished, deciding to practice our choice of religion, which, in many countries would not even be an option. Freedom lives and breathes in everything we as Americans do. The freedom we have today reminds me of where freedom does not exist yet. There are many countries where the citizens have heard about our freedom, but cannot experience it for themselves. We can only hope for those people right now, and dream of a world that’s free. I believe that everyone should be able to experience and live in a free nation at some point in their life. From the freedom of speech and freedom of religion, to the freedom of press and voting rights, freedom always shows me the opportunity for America to improve, and that is what freedom really is. Freedom is not something that has been given, but something that has been paid for with the …show more content…

As a United States citizen, I am unaware to the harsh circumstances my peers of other nations must endure. I can honestly state that I do not know what it is like to fear a government. Living in the United States has provided me freedom to trust that my government strives for the continuing establishment of liberty for each individual person. I appreciate everything our soldiers have done for the United States in the past and in present times because if it were not for them, the lives that we have today would not be the same. Freedom is the right to remember all of those who have sacrificed their lives for how we live now. It is not a privilege, but a duty; a responsibility and honor that must be upheld at all