College Admissions Essay: What Makes Me Who I Am

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What makes me who I am? I don't like the thought that every detail of my essence and my being was meant to be only because that was the way someone created me; or worse yet, something connected to the timeline of my destiny that someone or perhaps something divine wrote for me. I like to think that every detail of me was slowly molded to make me the person who I am today. And each one of the features that emerged, changed, and finally settled within my personality have a background story. Therefore, if I have a unique personality, is only because I have a great childhood to tell. There are many primary words that could describe my way of being: adventurer, creative, smart, kind, and honest. All of them have a reason to be in me today; each …show more content…

In addition, I always managed to create the most crazy things that a child could imagine: successful, but unpublished mini video games with a program called game maker; movies with fantastic special effects that I managed to apply to transform a simple recording with a friend into an incredible movie about magic; unique artwork; and even "bamboo castles" in the club where I rode my horse. All those images and ideas that appeared in my head did not just materialize in my mind when I was born. I believe being born in such as fast changing technological era provides me with the tools to be creative; all the cartoons I watched on TV, the games I played in my Nintendo 64, Gameboy, and other consoles helped develop my adventurer side . Am I smart? I'm not sure of the exact definition and treatment of that word. There will always be people that will try to make me feel "less bright" when I make a mistake or do something somehow stupid. However, more often than not, I have been able to solve problems with great ideas and I have taken and passed many tests only supported by my memory and skills. Intellect and logic are strangely comfortable to me and adapting my personality to different groups of people is part of my adaptation to my personal life with family and