College Essay On Diversity

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Diversity? Taylor Andrews, entering the battle royal for everything, EKU JR, and arrogantly but rightly deserves it. Diversity plus Eastern Kentucky University is supposed to equal melting pot but I have not seen the diverse world that we are supposed to be apart of. I foolishly allowed my eyes to be consumed by lies; a melting pot by cohorting with a few gay’s, one native, couple internationals, and dozens of whites, yet when I look for others of color they seem to have vanished like ninjas in the night. Diversity on this campus, is not at the level, that the upper levels of staff think they are; there may be a few though not enough to feel as if I am even in the middle of a large pot. See I’ve been immersed in a lie for the past three years that colored diversity is everywhere on this campus. Diversity is meant to go beyond race but when I say diversity the first thought that comes to a mind is ethnicity, still it is far beyond that; there are religious, sexual, and simple versions of upbringings yes but it seems as if the diversity is nothing more but a two or five people every twenty people. Though I will still answer the following three questions that are centered around my lessons from diversity. …show more content…

This is a way we can learn from one another view of sexuality and race, knowledge. I knowledge is apart of life that I really enjoy showing how I learn is and how the world, is something I like doing in non-PC cominities. I do not have an exact job that I want to take on in the future but I want to go into law and I am a black man also we usually go to jail or have a reason to loathe the law. I want to take my knowledge of diversity and use it to change the justice department and make those of darker skin feel safe in their community and help the officer understand how they should react in each