
College Should Be Free Essay

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When Rutherford B. Hayes became president, he stated in his inaugural address that “universal suffrage should rest upon universal education” (Sanders p2). Even in 1877, education was a really big deal. It used to be about K-12 education, but since then it has shifted to college education. College should be free for everyone in the United States. Education is a big part of the changes and growing of society, and even played a big role in forming today’s society. However, there is also quite a bit of controversy surrounding education and the cost of quality education. The controversy used to be about a free K-12 education, but now that an elementary and high school education are free, the controversy has changed into free higher education. Some people believe college can’t be free because it could send the country into even more unwanted debt. Others believe college is way too expensive, and the costs limits many people’s abilities to attend. About sixty percent of people say college can and needs to be free (Could College). College should be free because some people don’t have the money for it and making it free would help equalize everyone. Also, when other expenses are factored in, such as …show more content…

Even though the free higher education movement has built quite a bit of momentum, they say that until our colleges other problems are solved, we should say “no” to making college free. Opponents say the movement is “a generation too late” and acting now would be “unwise and untimely” but supporters say it’s never too early or too late to fight for your principles (Page/Clawson p5). Those who oppose state that it would be a hardship on campuses and that it would mean more students and less money, and with that hundreds of faculty and staff would be fired. Of course, this is not true. Tennessee recently instituted free community college and they are extremely busy hiring more faculty to teach college classes (Page/Clawson

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