
Common Themes In Jesus Mary

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1. There are a great many amount of themes that can be used to describe an even greater amount of women within the bible, the ones that I noticed that were the most common, however, were:
1) The first theme noticed is that there are women who are dedicated.
a. This can first be seen in Tamar, who was a childless widow. After her husband’s death, she was given to her brother-in-law; this marriage was intended to continue the name and inheritance of her deceased husband. However, while Tamar's brother-in-law had sex with her, he refused to give her the child she desired, and for this he was killed by God. Judah refused to give Tamar any of his other sons, because of fear of having them slain as well, in response to this, Tamar opted to disguise …show more content…

a. Mary Magdalene, a woman who was plagued by seven demons was saved by Jesus. She demonstrates her faith in Jesus in numerous ways, however most prominent would likely be her anointing of His body for his coming burial, she does this by pouring a vile of alabaster over His head, and wiping His feet with her hair, a gesture used to show deep love and reverence.
b. The second example is of Martha, at one point Martha sent a message to Jesus, asking him to come and save Lazarus, her and Mary's brother, He responds by saying that he will. However, Jesus puts off coming for two days, allowing enough time for Lazarus to pass from his illness, and be buried through normal Jewish customs. When He arrives on the fourth day, Martha goes out to meet him, and rather than be angry and curse him, instead says to Him that she believes in Him and that her brother will again rise through the power of the Lord and His Son.
4) The fourth theme was …show more content…

The recent acts of terrorism are the most prominent example of when a masculine view point is necessary. Diplomacy is often the best choice, however there will always be that one person, that one group that just cannot be talked down, in this situation action must be taken, it must be taken quickly and efficiently in order to protect the innocent.
b. There is also the case regarding government support, such as section 8 housing or welfare. These are beneficial programs, and in no way should be removed, however, it is necessary to show that these aren't free passes, they're there to help citizens get back on their feet, not so that they can live under the governments paycheck for free, and as such a masculine voice would be needed, that tone of authority that says when enough is enough and it's time to stop relying on others and start doing more for yourself.
4. I learned that, despite all the different view points, all the people who are feminine or those that are masculine, we're all rather similar in nature, and in this sense I learned that I'm just as strong-minded, often pig headed, in my stance. Because of this I can often miss other perspectives, or even miss a bigger picture entirely. So most of all this class demonstrated that I have more maturing to do, more in the sense that I need to see more of the world, rather than base everything off of what happens around

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