
Communion/Eucharist Response Paper

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is saying, as well as, have one’s eye on the text and another eye for any signs the community has for its future so that the Word can be delivered most effectively. This is how a spirit led worship leader leads, listening to God, watching over their worshipers and seeing the contextual environment they are working in to most effectively communicate God’s word to his children.
There are two options for next part of worship, the Response. There is the Table – Communion/Eucharist response and there is the alternative response.
We will start with the Table. “For the first sixteen centuries of Christianity (both East and West), communing at the Table of the Lord was the normative response to the word.” (86) It was celebrated at least weekly to commemorate the meal Jesus had the night before his death. In that meal Jesus instructed his disciples to ‘do this in memory of me’. The purpose of the Table is enact and celebrate through the power of the Holy Spirit the ministry of what Jesus did for us and his victory over the powers of evil and to offer us forgiveness of our sins. The table has traditionally been called The …show more content…

“When the worship architect fails to understand the integral relationship between all parts of the service, the Table can feel like an add-on to a regular service.” (90) In some traditions the Table is the high point and purpose of the service and in other traditions it is part of the flow of worship. A lot of this depends on how a worshiper and their leaders view the role of the elements, the bread and the wine. In some traditions the elements have a mystical transformation from mere bread and wine to a presence of Jesus or actual being Jesus in physical form. In others, it is just bread and wine done to commemorate the last

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