Company Overview Of Big Brothers Big Sisters Canada

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Product Background Big Brothers Big Sisters Canada has been providing support for children by pairing them with adult mentors since 1913 (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook, n.d.). The mentor spends time with the child doing assorted activities, and demonstrating the importance of respect, giving, and education. Big Brothers Big Sisters Canada’s vision is that “Every child in Canada who needs a mentor, has a mentor”, and over 42000 children are matched with mentors in various programs (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, 2011a). Their mission is to “commit to Canada’s young people that we will be leaders in providing them with the highest quality, volunteer based mentoring programs” (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, 2011a). Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada is comprised of 118 agencies and serves over 1000 communities across the country. Every agency matches volunteers and youth into quality mentoring relationships with the children, and the staff screen volunteers in order to match them with children of similar interest in order to enrich the relationship. On a national level, the organization assists the member agencies with their hands-on work, and provides services and training. The training programs include staff training workshops and a child safety program, which emphasizes sexual abuse prevention. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada does their best to ensure that the mentoring program is meeting and surpassing standards nationwide (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, 2011c). …show more content…

The quality is being maintained, and new features and services are continually being added in order to further expand their brand and company. They promote to a wide audience, and gain community and corporate support which allows them to continue to grow and expand (QuickMBA,