Comparing Kanye West's Modern Rap And Pop Culture

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Introduction In today’s modern rap/pop culture we see this generation praising someone who refers to himself as a genius and a god, Kanye West. Kanye West is known for doing big things that are out of the ordinary and definitely do not lack in originality. However sometimes Mr. West tends to go to the extreme with his creativity. With the followers of the media and pop/rap culture, it is common that people either love Kanye or hate him, is it very rare that there be a middle ground with Kanye West. Recently Kanye West released a new album, The Life of Pablo. On that album there was a song included called “Famous”. To promote the song West released the awaited music video at the Forum in Inglewood, California. The video is 10 minutes long …show more content…

She feels very strongly that what West considered art was anything but art. Making the statement on her social media, Dunham made sure everyone had access to read her thoughts. She stated how the video made her feel and her personal thoughts on what she thinks the video did, all of which were very negative and aggressive comments. She said things like, “the "Famous" video one of the more disturbing 'artistic' efforts in recent memory, a dangerous reinforcement of rape culture and non-consent. The prone, unconscious, waxy bodies of famous women, twisted like they've been drugged and chucked aside at a rager...,” she writes. “It gives me such a sickening sense of dis-ease.” (Drexler, Is Lena Dunham right about famous?). As I compare Dunham’s statement to something West said or something a close friend of his said, the contrast is huge. In statements West makes about himself, “As my grandfather would say, "Life is a performance." I'm giving all that I have in this life. I'm opening up my notebook and I'm saying everything in there out loud.” (West, Kanye West by Steve Mcqueen) and his decisions he claims are an art statement to show that even though the people in his video have lot’s of fame, at the end of the day they are just humans who sleep like you and I. Friends of Kanye supported him wholeheartedly and even mentioned that more people need to be like Kanye. In an article French Montana wholeheartedly defends Kanye West by saying, “I feel like he brings entertainment to the game. I feel the game is boring without Kanye. I feel like we need that sometimes. He's a genius. He's creative.” (New York Daily News). And there are also those conversations about Kanye doing what Kanye does best, which is to draw attention to crazy publicity stunts. I have found that in all conversations that direct praise and positivity towards the music video are

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