
Comparing Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet were not in love with each other. Romeo and Juliet is about two people from different families that fall in “love”. Romeo and Juliet claim they would do anything to be together. Juliet fakes her death to get out of a forced marriage with Paris. Romeo finds Juliet while she is lying in her tomb and kills himself to be with her. Romeo and Juliet don’t love each other because Romeo was mourning over his love for another woman, they only “loved” each other for their looks, than Romeo and Juliet decided to get married in less than 24 hour time. Romeo and Juliet do not love each other. Romeo mourned over his love for Rosaline. For example in scene one Romeo says this about Rosaline to Benvolio “Out of her favor, I am in love.” (Romeo.I.i.158.)
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