
Comparison And Egeus A Midsummer Night's Dream

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In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare’s portrayal of Oberon and Egeus illuminates how men used their authority in order to get what they wanted, thus showing the resemblance between the fairyland and the real world. The author’s depiction of Oberon and Egeus’ authority highlights why Oberon tricked Titania in order to obtain the Indian boy and how Egeus forced Hermia to marry Demetrius, which furthermore, connects both of the two seemingly opposite worlds.
Oberon deceived Titania in order to successfully get possession of the Indian boy. This shows his selfishness because he used his power in order to fulfill his needs in a more convenient way for himself. Oberon explains to Puck that he “[has] the boy, I [Oberon] will undo this hateful imperfection of her [Titania’s] eyes.” Titania would not give up the Indian boy before Theseus’ wedding day; therefore, Oberon grew impatient. Oberon took advantage of his power because Titania was fooled into thinking she was in love with an ass. Moreover, this further proves the connection between the fairyland and the real world, because in both cases men used their power on the women, to better …show more content…

Egeus approves of Demetrius because he feels that Demetrius is worthy of his daughter’s hand in marriage. Meanwhile, in Egeus’ eyes, Lysander is a thief who stole his daughter’s heart and Egeus believes that Lysander does not deserve the privilege of marrying Hermia. Egeus explains to Theseus that, “this man [Demetrius] hath my consent to marry her… This man [Lysander] hath bewitched the bosom of my child… I beg the ancient privilege of Athens: As she is mine, I may dispose of her.” Egeus and Oberon are similar because, although they live in completely different places, they both are very powerful and this proves how no matter who the man is, they will take advantage of the women and use their power to obtain their

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