Comparison Of Scientific And Statistical Reviews Of Manuscripts

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Scientific and Statistical Reviews of Manuscripts Submitted to Nursing Research: Comparison of
Completeness, Quality, and Usefulness

Susan J. Henly

University of Minnesota

Susan J. Henly, PhD. RN, School of Nursing , University of Minnesota

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dr. Susan J. Henly, University of Minnesota, School of Nursing, 5-140 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Contact:

The purpose of this study to compare the content and quality of statistical and scientific review of the manuscript given to Nursing Research. The General Assessment of Reviews of Nursing Research (GARNAR) and the Statistical Assessment of Reviews of Nursing Research …show more content…

The technical statistical aspect of the manuscript by authors will be challenging. Some journals circulate guideline to communicate expectations for statistical usage, description of data and preparation of findings 16, 17 but many do not. Recognition of weaknesses is the design, and statistical analysis is an essential part of the peer review evaluation because flaws limit or preclude potential contribution of findings to the literature or may create outright misleading results. 27,28
The purpose is to compare the content and quality of statistical and scientific the manuscripts must be submitted by an 18-month period to the journal Nursing Research, used a past test called GARNR instrument which will access the quality of general scientific review and SARNR instrument to assess statistical components of peer reviews. The completeness, overall quality, identification of fatal flaws, and usefulness to the editor and authors is the review of scientific and statistical reports. …show more content…

In this study, a few raters were members of the statistical review panel of the journal. If the readers had read the full manuscript, the raters would’ve been more comprehensive and would have helped the reviewers identify errors in in the reviews, because of the time required with the potential yield of relevant information for the study. The raters read the abstract before rating the review. The GARNR/SARNR needed a rating scale training and calibration responses of the raters that was using the scoring rubric. It was advised to the raters to conduct pilot work to be reliability and address the potential challenge of the overlap of data quality contribution with other SARNR

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