Confucianism Is A Religion Essay

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Before a question like this can be discussed it is important to remember the significance of remaining neutral and avoiding being ethnocentric. It is of utmost importance to use a holistic approach and not get stuck on one thing which either lines up or does not. We must use cultural relativism where analyzes the different points of the debate. Further, we should utilize both emic and etic perspectives in order to see both sides throughout the debate.
Defining Religion
In order to determine if Confucianism is a religion we must first define religion. When doing so it is imperative to avoid being ethnocentric and construct an operant definition. According to the text, religion is defined as “the realm of culture that concerns the sacred supernatural”. Based upon this alone, Confucianism would not be considered a religion as the focus of the group (what it will be referred to …show more content…

In Confucianism there fails to be such; everyone is equal. (Prothero p.105) Place of/ Scheduled Worship: Most often religions have a place of worship where individuals gather to worship together. In regards to Confucianism, there are temples but there is no regular worship or anything as they fail to believe in a supreme being so what would those gathered be worshipping? (Prothero p.105) Religious Texts: A common characteristic of religions is a sacred text of some sort. Confucianism has multiple such as the “Four Books” and the Five Classics. In most religions the text focuses on the life and the teachings of the supreme being they believe in but in regards to Confucianism they reference how to conduct and govern oneself as well as folk songs. The texts fail to have divine inspiration and reference God as the religion and texts focus on ethical, practical problems while most religious texts focus on eschatological and metaphysical problems. (Prothero p.