Consensus Decision-Making Reflects Liberalism Principles

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The extent Consensus Decision Making reflects liberalism principles is to a large extent. In consensus decision making there is very little to no government involvement. This political system is based on individuals in a group all agreeing on decisions. Which everyone has to support, even if it is not the most favorable for the individual. An example, is the House of Commons of Canada, where every individual or Members Of Parliament have to agree or have the majority to have a bill passed. Another principle of liberalism consensus decision making reflects is the belief that humans are reasonable and can make rational decision, which benefit both themselves and society as a whole. An example, of this could be the First Nations were their was a council of elders, which guided the Chief. Then decisions were made by a consensus from both the Chief and council.

The extent Direct Democracy reflects liberalism principles is to a large extent. In a direct democracy everyone is able to be involved in politics. Direct democracy reflects a principle of liberalism because of how their is little or limited government involvement. An example, could be referendums and plebiscites. …show more content…

In a representative democracy citizens vote for a government, who then makes the decisions. Representative democracy reflects a principle of liberalism because of how their is the belief of how humans are able to make reasonable or logical decisions. An example, could be Canada. Where citizens are able to vote for a representative, which they think is most suitable to represent the will of the people. However, a representative democracy also does not reflect liberalism principles, such as no government involvement. In a representative democracy the government is involved in making decisions to help benefit society. An example, could be creating bills, which are to help benefit all individuals in