Constitutional Amendment Pros And Cons

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The constitutional amendment grants each individual who has been a victim of a crime has a right to see their defendant to be imprisoned for a period of longer than one year; the defendant might be imprisoned for more than one year. The individual can be a victim of any other crime such as violence; following rights: (Reword this look at this before
• To the reasonable notice, not be excluded from, any public records or proceedings linking to crime,
• Submit the statement of all public proceedings to find out the conditional release from the custody, acceptance of negotiated plea, non-public release on parole proceedings, these rights are given to convicted offender,
• To equitable notice of, an opportunity to acquiesce the statement concerning, and a proposed pardon and commutation of the sentence,
• To reasonable notification of escape or release from the custody relating to any crime,
• To consideration of a victim that trial can be free from an …show more content…

The Supreme Court of United State has lined or ruled that this cruel and unusual punishment amendment should be applied to all States. In this amendment, the phrases are originated in the “English Bill of Rights of 1969” (online-resources).
Pros and cons of the proposed Amendment 8
• Permanently gets rid of murderers
• Helps the community, world, and country to be a bit safer
• Those people who commit any incredibly horrible crime should pay
• If they commit a horrible crime, then they may get the death penalty
• It prevents further crime from the person committing the crime
• Unfair and cruel
• Not painful and harsh
• No matter the crime it is not good to kill the people
• Many people learn from their mistakes, so death penalty would be unscrupulous