Contractor R Us Employee Orientation Plan

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All contractors are generally responsible for providing safety and job specific training for their employees unless otherwise stated in their Contractor R Us contract or agreement.
Contractor’s health and safety program will include a training matrix that meets Contractor R Us’ requirements for the basic health and safety training.

Prior to the commencement of Hands-On-Work, the contractor will establish an orientation plan which includes the elements described in the training matrix. The plan will ensure contract workers have the appropriate pre-requisite Health and Safety training, as well as knowledge of Contractor R Us’ requirements, contractor company requirements, work site hazards/controls and emergency procedures.

There are three …show more content…

On request by Contractor R Us, during the bidding stage, contractors will submit a copy of their employee’s completed trainings.

Contract Workers will provide proof of pre-requisite training in the Construction Safety Training System (CSTS) or an equivalent level of training acceptable to the Project Manager and the OH&S department.
Training certification must be provided by an accredited training company, preferably the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA).

 Completed trainings will be checked.
 Copies of training report will be made and documented.
 An excel spreadsheet will be used to track training expiration date.
 Contractors will be informed via email, 3 months before the expiration of their training to process renewal.

The training coordinator will be responsible for documenting and tracking training for the trades.
Company OH&S Training
All employees must be trained before they are permitted to perform work on our sites. Construction R Us’ training department will provide adequate company mandatory training to our employees. The training requirements are based on the organization’s health and safety training standard. A general training will include the following:
 On-site hazard identification and …show more content…

This will be facilitated by the Prime Contractor or a designated Contractor R Us site contact if we are Prime. The training will be delivered by a competent trainer.

Subcontractors and Contract Workers will attend a contractor orientation prior to the worker commencing work. Workers will receive a training certification as proof of training completion. Training will be updated when orientation requirements change and all workers will be re-trained annually
Site specific OH&S orientation/induction will include the following project key points:
Company specific safety rules: Contract workers will be orientated on onsite and project safety rules. This will also include site specific OH&S requirements.
New worker orientation: Contract workers will be orientated on our values and goals.
Review of risk assessment, hazard assessment findings: Contract workers will be orientated to the work site hazards and methods to control those hazards. The Prime contractor will provide a site tour to acquaint their workers with the work