Contrast To Which Memorization Strategy Is The Best For Long-Term Memory

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Abstract- Do you have a good memory? Have you ever said “I am going to fail this test”? “Darn I forgot it already.” “I went to take the test and I couldn’t remember the answers.” Have you ever said any of these? If you have then you probably don’t have a great memory. If you don’t have a great memory, would you like to improve your memory? By learning the best approach to remembering something you have the ability to become smarter. Would you like to be intelligent? Memory and intelligence are very closely related. Therefore to be smart you must have a semi-good memory. In this project I will be testing three different ways to memorize things for long-term.
Question- Which memorization strategy is the best for long-term memory?
Hypothesis- If I test four individual’s memories then the visual technique will be the best for long term memory. …show more content…

Aristotle said, “Memories are imprinted on the mind like a carving on a wax tablet” (Aristotle, 423-348 B.C.).
The Brain- The brain is where all of our memories are stored. Even out most precious ones.
Memory and Intelligence- According to trending, “It turns out memory and intelligence are very closely related, to the point that some have questioned if they could be the same thing” (Carter, 2015). Memory and intelligence can be related. If you don’t retain what you know then you can’t be very intellectual.
Memory techniques- One way to remember something is to

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