Corporal Punishment In America Today

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Corporal punishment and whether it should be allowed in schools has been long disputed. Advocates believe it necessary to produce well-behaved children (Corporal Punishment in America Today.) Although these supporters of corporal punishment in schools are of the opinion that it is a normal and necessary part of child education and a successful way to enforce appropriate behavior, it should not be permitted due to the great potential of harmful physical and psychological effects on students such as raising children to see that violence is acceptable along with damaging their self-esteem and because there are alternative disciplinary actions that are far more effective such as providing appropriate direction and counseling and teaching personal …show more content…

York University psychology professor David Bakan claims that physical forces of discipline damages children with mental health challenges and compounds the dropout problem. The American Academy of Pediatrics also points out that corporal punishment may adversely affect a student’s self-image and school achievement (2012.) Not only does it harms children psychologically and interfere with their development but it has been linked to psychiatric symptoms such as depression (Corporal Punishment in America Today.) The humiliations that accompanies the experience of corporal punishment in schools can reduce a child’s ability to problem solve rationally and further inhibit a child’s to solve problems effectively (C.P. in U.S.) Studies also suggest that when compared with other children, pre-school and school-age children perform at lower levels in the domains of ability, academic achievement and social competence. These deficits further subject children to feelings of inadequacy and resentment. (C.P. in U.S.) Although the desired effect of corporal punishment is molding well rounded children it often increases student alienation, misbehavior, and desire to seek revenge (C.P. in US) and creates fear, anxiety and emotional insecurity that could lead young people to engage in anti-social activities (No Longer a Last Resort.) Instead of it contributing value to the teaching process all that is remembered is the experience of intimidation and not what is actually learned in the classroom. Moreover, not only can it damage a child mentally but corporal punishment can result in abrasions, bruising severe muscle injury hematoma, whiplash damage, life-threatening hemorrhages, and other medical complications that may require hospitalization