Cost And Benefit Of Privatization In Canada

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The combination between having both private and public health care systems in Ontario will not only benefit the citizens of Canada, but the economy as well. The privatization aspect initiates a well-structured approach, which all in all could work with the public sector to ensure efficiency and sustainability within the system. By incorporating the privatization of heath care it would ensure shorter wait times, improved doctor and patient communication and ensure a smoother process. In terms of support, the government could invest towards private hospitals and ensure they function in an efficient manner for those attracted towards that concept. For instance, in the article The Costs and Benefits of Privatization: An Incomplete Contracts Approach, …show more content…

For example, the 407 highway in Ontario is public-private run which means that it is accessible to all citizens of Canada however it will cost commuters to use. Although it is an expensive resource, many Ontarians use to service on a daily basis because it is more efficient in terms or no traffic, more lanes and quick. Likewise, if healthcare was considered in the same manner with a private-public sector provided it would be beneficial for the public sector as well. Also, the addition of private-public hospitals will strengthened the quality of the service provided as well as the accountability of the patient. This could be done through providing the accessibility to these resources and allowing the citizens to choose which resource they want to proceed with. In terms of insurance, it would still be presentable towards the private-public service however an additional fee will be required to ensure a better quality of services. By initiating this idea, hospitals will start to become more efficient since they are providing more options to receive treatment and the decision will ultimately be based upon the view of the