Creationism Persuasive Essay

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Over the past few decades, Creationism has taken a back seat to the science of Evolution. These beliefs seem to contradict each other immensely. Some say God could not have been responsible for evolution given the current dogma of the church, therefore denying his existence. While other still insist that God created humans as we are, the end. I, with others propose this: neither of these, but both of them are correct. Far creationists believe an admittedly ridiculous claim, while far Evolutionists believe a more believable theory. Neither of these theories explain everything, but the truth can be found residing in both. Most people who claim the Catholic church believes this or that, while having an external perspective, are often gravely …show more content…

A common argument within the Catholic Church is whether or not Adam and Eve is a literal or a holy parable to show God's intention with humans. If Adam and Eve could be perceived as a parable to demonstrate that humans are imperfect and God's intent is simply for us to get to heaven, everything else falls in place. There is no longer a conflict in timelines, and monogenism is no longer necessary. As long as evolutionists accept God's influence, and Creationists within the church accept that God can act with secondary influence (using nature to develop humans, rather than just forming them himself), we can harmonize Evolution and Catholicism. Far Creationists and far Evolutionists must stop refuting each other and be willing to accept that both sides of the spectrum could exist together. Especially those Catholics who take every Bible story literally; these people must realize that human people wrote these books. Also, we don't know that what we read today is what God intended, and that man hasn't perverted it, like we have unfortunately seen in the past. Works