Creationism Vs. Evolution: The Unending Dispute

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Creationism vs. Evolution: The Unending Dispute
Mikaela Marie Diego Manalili
Bataan Peninsula State University Introduction
Did modern life on Earth evolve over millions of years, or was it created in the blink of an eye by God?
That's the gist of the debate between scientists and creationists, which has been ongoing ever since Charles Darwin published his theory in 1859. The scientific evidence is clear: The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and all life evolved from primitive, single-celled organisms. Nevertheless, Biblical literalists reject this evidence and operate from the viewpoint that the Bible's Book of Genesis is a historical account of creation.
This paper was done to explain the unending dispute between the creationists …show more content…

Evolutionists on the other hand, (though there is still this so called “missing link”) is proving that what they fight for and believe is true. Charles Darwin’s “Origin of the Species”, published in 1859, complicated matters further.
Creationism vs. Evolution – The Evolution
Evolutionists are always trying to find evidence that shows the evolutionary process is a natural rule of Physics. Scientists have a bias in believing that the atoms that make up DNA when given the right environment would naturally fall into place.
There is this speculation that there is a probability of forming life on other planets. Whenever a probe explores each planet or moon in the Solar System, engineers keep looking for various evidences of life. Mars for example, is often cited of possibly having the right conditions for the formation of life.
Despite of the fact that Mars is a mirror copy of Earth, having the perfect condition to support living organisms, it would be still unlikely that in any form, life would exist in this planet. The odds are stacked so heavily against the formation of the complex molecular structures, the discovery of living organisms in any other region of our own solar system would only serve to prove the existence of a divine …show more content…

As species evolve, superior species eliminate inferior species -- "survival of the fittest." Weak and members of a species should be eliminated for the preservation of superior bloodlines and for the conservation of essential resources. From the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. Thus, we have Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) asking the rhetorical question, "should I not also have the right to eliminate millions of an inferior race that multiplies like vermin?" Hitler, of course, is remembered for murdering more than 6,000,000 individual human beings, all of whom he deemed to be inferior members of the species. Another ardent evolutionist, Joseph Stalin, surpassed even Hitler in zeal, murdering at least ten times as many "inferiors" (estimates range from 60,000,000 to 100,000,000