Why Is Creationism Be Taught In Schools

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46% of the US believes that creationism is the true answer to the question: “how and why we are here?” (Barooah) Although this figure is recent, the interest in creationism is not. Since the beginning of mankind, creationism has been very popular. Also, many people have the wrong conception of creationism. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, “creationism” means, “The belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution” (Hornby, McIntosh and Turnbull) Many creationists strictly believe in the accounts of the bible. Many creationists do not believe in the science or history taught in public schools. Since …show more content…

This is wrong on many accounts because creationism science is a pseudoscience. This is because there is no way to test or prove creationism science. Also, creationism denies all other sciences such as biology, chemistry, geology, etc. Although it is obvious that creationism should not be taught in school, there is a much bigger argument at hand. For ages, people have been trying to figure out which side is more viable. However, it should be more obvious by now that creationism is not viable at all. I believe that creationism is not a viable model of our world in any way because a lot of their facts do not make sense, cannot be tested or are just plain absurd. One of the many counter-arguments used by scientists is that creationists believe that there was a worldwide flood only about 4000 years ago. However, we have a lot of proof in this scientific age to show that this is utterly impossible. Some of these include the layers of limestone in Kentucky, ice in Alaska, paradoxical nature and bad scientific reasoning are the reasons why creationism cannot stand as a viable model of our …show more content…

For example, no one knows where all the water came from that caused the worldwide flood. One may understand if a particular country gets flooded, or maybe even a small continent. However, one may not understand where all the water to flood all of Earth came from. Also, if there was enough water to flood all of Earth, where did it go after the flood was over? Although some creationists might argue that water can evaporate, they should understand that water that evaporates always comes back down in the form of precipitation. Also, creationists completely deny evolution. Evolution is the theory that humans and all other animals have changed over time to be accustomed to their surroundings. This seems very reasonable and has been backed up by scientists such as Charles Darwin. Evolutionists often also believe every animal on earth came from two ancestral breeding pairs. However, the Creationists have a completely different view of looking at this. Most creationists believe that God was very angry with what he had created. He did not like mankind at all and decided to wipe off everyone off the face of the earth. However, one man, Noah, stepped up to the challenge and decided to save two of every animal breed on earth, one male and one female, from a worldwide flood by building a huge ship with a couple of other guys. The two of