
Creative Writing: The Grapes Of Wrath

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It was an exceptionally freezing day in Nebraska around the month of November and the Warhol family didn’t think anything of it because during this month it was always cold. Mrs. Warhol was on her way to work when there was a loud boom and she had got hit from behind and her car started to flip over. When she was flipping over she blacked out and thought of her family. While she was blacked out she thought positive thoughts that made her want to wake up. She was in and out of consciousness and she thought that the car was talking to her and saying she was gonna die a horrible death but she didn’t believe it. It was past 5:30 and Mr. Warhol or Johnny was worried about his wife because he knows Mary would have called if she was staying late …show more content…

He went to grab the kids and he heard a loud thud from upstairs he made the kids run to the car and he went to look for what the sound was coming from he went upstairs and found… Johnny found Roger the famous serial killer that is wanted in many states but Nebraska. Once he recognized him from seeing him on the news he ran to the kitchen and got a weapon then he went to the car where the kids were and drove to the hospital to find his wife. On his way there Roger was in the middle of the road and Johnny ran him over and he thought he was dead but not yet. 30 minutes later they got to the hospital and went to the front desk and asked for Mary Warhol the nurse said room 321. When Johnny and the kids got to Mary’s room she was up and watching t.v. and Johnny said that Roger was here but he died and Mary was freaked out because she knew who Roger was personally. When Mary was little her mom married Roger and at first he was as sweet as Peter Parker but one day he came home and wasn’t sweet Peter Parker anymore. He was like the devil he killed Mary’s mom right in front of her in cold blood with no remorse and he left 5 year old Mary to watch her bleed out. That night Mary heard many …show more content…

So they went out the window and got in the car and drove off to somewhere they would all be safe. Before Mary and Johnny were going to face the fears of the mand they will forever be afraid of Johnny told Mary something that he has never told her before. He said “ when I was five years old he came to my house too but before he got in my mom and dad hid all of us in a space that no one would ever find and I was so scared that something was going to happen that my mom sang some weird things but they always calmed me down and it was also a code for we will help you get through this and when whoever leaves we will get help that’s why I gave the kids that note my mom will get us help.” Mary could not believe what she was hearing but she knew it was time to face all of the things she had been afraid of. They moved all the boxes and moved the hospital beds and grab any thing they could find to defend themselves. They came out of the room and split up Johnny went to the east wing with his scalpel and Mary went to the west wing with her scissors to find Roger. After 20 minutes Mary had found him and she snuck up on him and he was standing by the window and she pushed him from a million floors up and she watched him land on his neck so she knew he was dead but to be safe she

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