Cristoph Harbsmeier: The Influence Of Language On Language

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Cristoph Harbsmeier is talkig about ‘the influence of language on thought, how we are influenced ... in our ways of being and of feeling by our language.” He is also interested into the relationship between multilingualism and emotions as the bilingualism took a very important place in many people’s lives, imposing itself as society had suffered some changes in time. As François Grosjean says in Life with Two Languages . An Introduction to Bilingualism:”bilingualism is present in practically every country of the world, in all classes of society, and in all age groups.” (François Grosjean, Life with Two Languages .An Introduction to Bilingualism, Web) because it is a phenomenon from which language has extended and which has been there from its genesis due to the fact that there has been existed a contact between languages and groups of people speaking a language or another, which turned into a form of bilingualism. Also, I argue that language has a really big impact on people, naturally, because we cannot live in the absence of it. Harbsmeier’s idea that language has an influence on thoughts can be exemplified with Roman Jackobson’s communication situation: the receiver that gets the information from the sender is doing this by a code( a component of the message) which is made by words of a specific language through a channel is a context. But, what is important here is that communication cannot exist in the absence of the code, which is connected with the mind, because the code is linked to the mind, so that we can find the proper words to use. Every language has it’s own particularities and we …show more content…

”To quote the Korean/American scholar Young Yun Kim (2000: 1): ‘Millions of people change homes each year, crossing cultural boundaries. Immigrants and refugees resettle in search of new lives ... In this increasingly integrated world, cross-cultural adaptation is a central and defining theme’.

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